Prayer For An Unveiling
A thousand years, in the sight of our eternal and merciful God, are but a day; the years of our life but a passing hour. God grants us life and life has God taken away; praised be the name of the Eternal One.
______________ has been taken from our midst. We are pained by the gap in our lives. Yet love is strong as death; the bonds love creates are eternal. And ours is the blessing of memory, through which the lives of the departed continue to be with us.
Almighty and merciful God, whose compassion endures forever, let neither death nor sorrow have dominion over us. Grant us comfort, strength and consolation, as it is written:
“The Lord shall be your enduring light and the
days of your mourning shall come to an end.”Bless us with love and peace, that we may serve You with a perfect heart. Accept our act of devotion, Adonai, as we consecrate this monument to the memory of ______________ with love and respect.
May his/her soul be bound up in the bond of life. Amen.
(The covering is removed.)