El Moleh Rachamim
O God, full of compassion, Thou who dwellest on high, grant perfect rest beneath the shelter of Thy divine presence among the holy and pure who shine as the brightness of the firmament to the soul of my beloved who has gone to his/her eternal home.
Mayest Thou, O God of Mercy, shelter him/her forever under the wings of Thy presence. May his/her soul be bound up in the bond of life eternal, and grant that the memories of my ______________’s life inspire me always to noble and consecrated living. Amen.
El moleh rachamim, shochen bamromim, hamtzey menucho nechono tachat kanfey hashchino, bemaalot k’doshim ut-horim kezohar harokeea mazhirim, et nishmat (name)
Shehloach L’olomo, baavur shenodvoo z’doko b’ad hazkorat nishmoto. B’gan ayden t’hay m’nuchoto. Locheyn baal horacha-mim yastireyhoo b’seter k’no-fov l’olomim. V’yitzror bitzror hacha-yim et nishmoto. Adonai hoo nachloto. V’yonuach b’shalom al mishkovo. V’nomer omen.Female:
Shehloach L’olomoh, baavur shenodvoo z’doko b’ad hazkorat nishmotoh. B’gan ayden t’hay m’nuchotoh. Locheyn baal horacha-mim yastiro b’seter k’no-fov l’olomim. V’yitzror bitzror hacha-yim et nishmotoh. Adonai hoo nachlotoh. V’yonuach b’shalom al mishkovoh. V’nomer omen.